Benefits of Robotic Surgery 2017-05-11T16:44:50+00:00

For a surgeon like myself trained in keyhole surgery techniques, the Da Vinci® operating system bring many benefits which not only make my operations easier but with improved precision and outcome. The robotic eyes provide a high definition 3-dimensional real time close up view of the operative field which aids my operative accuracy and precision. The robotic control console design provides me with a very sophisticated and yet intuitive system of control for the manipulation of my robotic instruments which are designed with more maneuverability for enhanced dexterity within the body cavities to render surgery on the most awkwardly orientated organs located in the most inaccessible part of the body relative easy.

For the patients, robotic surgery offers many benefits compared with open surgery. By avoiding making a large wound to access the organ, robotic surgery avoids the problems of severe post-operative pain and other problems associated with healing of a large wound. These problems include wound infection, wound dehiscence (breaking open) and scarring which results in poor cosmetic outcome. Bleeding is significantly reduced and in fact, blood transfusion after robotic surgery is very rarely required obviating the anxiety of being infected with blood borne infection from transfusion.

Open abdominal operations always result in a state of bowels paralysis (ileus) which causes abdominal distension with gas, pain, vomiting and delays the intake of food and nutrition by mouth. Many of these patients will require the insertion of a tube through the nostril to release gas and accumulated fluid from the stomach, a rather unpleasant experience for most patients. With robotic surgical techniques, there is less unnecessary handling of internal organs and correspondingly bowel function recovery quicker, often obviating the need to introduce such a tube.

Major open surgery in the pelvis carries a significant risk of blood clots forming inside the big veins in the pelvis and legs (deep vein thrombosis) which can occasionally result in fatal complications. Robotic surgery in the pelvis is performed in a tilted position which improves blood drainage from the pelvic veins. Together with the speedier mobilisation of patients from the lack of severe pain, the risk of deep vein thrombosis is also significantly reduced.

Patients who undergo surgery on the prostate and bladder need to wear a urine drainage tube (catheter) in their urine passage until sound healing has taken place in the repaired part. The precision of dissection and suturing afforded by the operating robot results in more accurate repair and speedier healing of these operated parts enabling the surgeon to remove their catheter significantly earlier. Leakage of urine from surgical repair occurs less often and patients return to normal urinary function earlier.