Testimonials 2018-01-09T13:28:05+00:00

ALLEN TAN (aged 62)

In 2016, my PSA went up to 20+, I consulted Dr George Lee of Gleneagles. After a few months of consultation, my PSA was still high and Dr George asked me to do MRI for a more detailed look. He then referred me to Dr C.S. Loh who is a specialist in prostate and cancer. Dr C.S. Loh is the consultant urological surgeon at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur. He explained that even though my first biopsy was negative, with the high PSA it was good to have the MRI done. After the MRI, tumours were detected and a second biopsy was done which confirmed malignant cancer. Worse still, I had a high Gleason score of 9 which means my prostate cancer was aggressive.

However to reconfirm whether it had spread and what stage it had reached, Dr Loh recommended me to do a thorough bone scan. I was very worried and prayed hard that the cancer had not spread. Thankfully the bone scan was negative and my next course of treatment will be surgery. If the bone scan had turned out to be positive, surgery would have been useless and other treatments would be needed.

Prior to the surgery which I wanted to schedule soonest possible to prevent further metastasis, Dr Loh explained all the options available in Malaysia. I chose to do robotic assisted surgery which meant less blood loss and more precise as everything is done by using robotic arms. It also meant quicker recovery because it’s less invasive (keyhole surgery). Dr Loh also helped to secure a quick slot for the surgery as only a few hospitals in KL are able to do robotic surgery. Although he was travelling the next day after the surgery, he wanted to make sure I was in the best post-op care.  I did my procedure in Sunway Medical Centre and the robotic surgery lasted about 3 hours after which I spent a couple of nights in the High Dependency Unit (HDU) for monitoring.

When I went into the surgery, I felt calm because being a Christian, I trusted God and my surgeon. Many friends sent their well wishes and prayers (some all the way from Israel where they were on a pilgrimage). I am forever grateful to all these prayers and good wishes. And also the expertise of Dr Loh who performed the robotic surgery assisted by Dr Badrulhisham who was my post-op doctor at Sunway Medical Centre.

From the HDU after 1 night, I was moved to normal ward where I spent another 2 nights. So after 3 nights I was ready to go home, although I had a catheter with me.

Next came the pathology report which was delayed to almost a month. I was again in anxiety because the pathology report result mentioned out of 29 lymph nodes removed, 28 was clean, one was with a cancer cell. But I didn’t want to worry about that yet because I had to a blood test 2 months after the surgery to check my PSA. That was important to see whether it has dropped and whether I needed radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

3 Jan 2018 – I did my blood test and my PSA reading was 0.04. Remember previously it was 20+ and now with prostate removed it has dropped tremendously. Dr Loh said this was a good result seeing how high my Gleason score was and the previous high PSA! However, there’s no letting up and I need to do PSA test every 3 months to monitor.

My thanks and deepest appreciation goes out to Dr Loh for his expert diagnosis and skillful surgery. And for his calm reassuring manner and wide knowledge of prostate cancer so he has given me the best consult for me to fight this battle with cancer.

I am an artist and after looking at my MRI, I decided to transform it into a graphic painting to share with friends and tell them more about the danger of prostate cancer. There’s just too little knowledge and awareness about prostate problems and its cancer in Malaysia and it’s one of the most dangerous form of cancer for older men. However with early detection, there’s much that can be done. By doing this painting, it’s easier to explain to those who don’t know and in a way also help me to remember my journey thus far.

Mr K (1 month after surgery)

Hi Mr. Loh,

I thought I’d give you one last update before we meet in June.


I was 100% dry and in complete control of my bladder a week after the surgery I have no problems in this regard. I sneeze, I cough and I can hold it for hours when needs be and no leakage. I told you pre-surgery that I was looking forward to taking a pee with stronger flow and without having to wait and I have not been disappointed. These days I love taking a pee its the highlight of my day and I tell everyone who will listen…lol


I have been doing as instructed as often as possible and all I can say its a good job I’m able to work from home as I’m sure my secretary would never approve. As I’ve told you reaching orgasm has never been a problem in fact I think I’ll have to find a away to delay it. Regarding hardness at first even with Viagra 100mg nothing much happened but I persisted and eventually things started to wake up so much so that a few days ago with the help of Viagra 50mg I achieved an erection that a 25 year old would be proud of. I believe given time I will not have a problem in this regard I just need to keep exercising.

Surgical Wounds

All healed, no pain, no discomfort all’s well.

Associated Areas

No problems with the bowels they are as active as they’ve ever been and I have no other aliments.

To conclude, I am back doing my 20 kilometre a week power walking and as we now have evening temperatures at 40c its hard work and I ache in places I didn’t know I had. My family and friends cannot believe how quickly I’ve recovered and I love being told how well I look. So all things considered thus far its all good news apart from the fact that I still can’t play that damn piano. All we need now it a bit of luck with the PSA and we’ll have a full house.